Most college students don't have the time or the energy to put into baking, especially when exams roll around. But sometimes, all we want is that warm, delicious smell of freshly baked cookies that reminds us of home. So, instead of baking to avoid a struggle (like studying), light a scented candle. Sit back and let the scent of your memories of home fill your mind (and nose) with every heavenly dessert that you aren't baking, but burning. These candles will make your apartment (or dorm room if you like taking risks with your RA) smell like you were baking and fill it with that warm feeling of home.

1. Spiced Pumpkin Pie

This candle is a must as soon as October hits. It smells like the perfect mix between fall and Thanksgiving, with a sweet and delicious aroma. This candle is just what you need to have your friends thinking that you baked a holiday pie. Not only does it smell like one of the best seasons, it also has a price that will have you buying the whole shelf. You can find this candle at Walmart for under $6!

2. Warm Pineapple Upside Down Cake

This scent may be hard to pin down, but the most important thing to remember is to trust in the Yankee Candle brand. It's sure to fill your apartment with a fruity, golden smell. The buttery vanilla and creamy pineapple layers combine to create a sweet, sweet scent. Since this is a Yankee Candle (they're known to be the bomb), a smaller size will carry just as much scent a bigger one from somewhere else. And the smaller the candle size, the cheaper it is. The smallest size is 3.7 oz. and is around $10.99.

3. Peach Cobbler

This candle may seem a little strange, but it is the perfect summer candle. The fragrance of warm, freshly picked peaches and spices is sure to give your apartment a cozy feel. This candle is also available in the small 3.7 oz. jar for $10.99 on the Yankee Candle website and can be found on sale during certain times of the year.

4. Coffee Cake

If you love coffee and cake, this is the perfect combination for you. This candle is sure to make your apartment smell like warm and rich with a hint of cinnamon. This candle is perfect for filling every room with a combination of roasted coffee cake to make your nose tingle. This candle is right around $20 and worth every penny.

5. Blueberry Pie

This candle is sure to bring back old memories. As soon as that blueberry smell wafts into the room, memories of your Grandma baking in the kitchen are sure to surface. This is perfect for a warm summer day, but would be pleasant any time of the year.

It can be found on Amazon for under $20.

6. Warm Apple Pie

This is a classic fall candle. As soon as this candle starts burning, you'll instantly think of home. Memories of your Mom baking apple pie and your family gathered around the table for Thanksgiving as she brings the freshly baked apple pie into the room will instantly appear—I guess there is such a thing as a magical candle. It can be found on the Village Candle website for $13 in the small jar size.

7. Winter Candy Apple

This is a classic Bath and Body Works scent that is reminiscent of fall and Christmas. It smells like apples, with a combination of oranges and pears. It's the perfect scent for the beginning of Christmas time.

#SpoonTip: These candles are on sale for $12.50 with an additional 10% off online!

8. Chocolate Brownie

Chocolate brownies are sure to make anyone’s mouth water. With this candle, you can get that same scent without the actual treat, which, honestly, kind of sounds like a bad deal, but it's better than nothing. It's $16 on the Williams Sonoma website, but no guarantees you won't be tempted to go buy yourself some brownies.

9. Peppermint Bark

How would you like every single room in your apartment to smell like Christmas? This candle can do just like that. It will fill every room with a cool peppermint aroma that is sure to speed up time before the big day. You can find this on the Village Candle website for $13 in a small jar size that Buddy the Elf would surely approve of.

10. Banana Pumpkin Bread

This candle is the perfect mix between baked goods and a fall pumpkin scent. The intense, rich scent smells just like a loaf of banana bread being taken out of the oven, with an added dash of pumpkin. The good news is that this candle is also found at Walmart for the same price as the Spiced Pumpkin Pie

11. Red Velvet Cake

This is the ultimate dessert candle. It will have your whole apartment smelling like you just made the best cake of your life. Seriously, burning this candle will make you want cake and that is perfectly normal. Now, since this is a special candle, it comes with a special price. With this in mind, don’t be afraid to shell out the big bucks for this heavenly scent ($35).

Burning one of these candles is sure to give your apartment a homelike feel you won’t want to leave.